Housing Rehabilitation Program
The Program offers technical assistance for very low income homeowners to address repairs deemed urgent and necessary to ensure the health and safety of the residents. It requires that repairs performed meet or exceed the minimum standards of the Orange County (Minimum) Housing Code.
Types of assistance may include roofing, plumbing, electrical, repair or replacement of HVAC systems, septic repairs, etc. Contracts are awarded to the lowest responsive bidder.
Contractors who bid and perform housing repairs are licensed, insured and pre-qualified.
Terms and conditions
- Up to $75,000 of assistance may be provided.
- Properties constructed prior to 1978 will be tested for the presence of lead-based paint. If found, it will be abated as part of the home repair/renovation.
- Repairs or improvements will be prioritized by the Housing Rehabilitation Inspector based on the condition of the property.
- Certain improvements may be ineligible or beyond the scope of the program.
- The repairs performed by the contractor will be covered by a one-year warranty.
- Depending on the amount of funds required to perform the necessary repairs, a second mortgage and note at zero percent interest will be placed on the home for a period of up to 15 years.
Who is eligible to apply?
- Owners must reside in the home, provide proof of ownership, and meet income criteria.
- Owners must have owned and resided in the house for at least the past 12 months.
- The property must be located in Orange County
- Mortgage and real estate taxes on the home must be current.
How do I get started?
- Contact our office to secure a pre-application form.
- We will mail or e-mail the pre-application form. There is a waiting list for home repair and rehabilitation services, therefore we encourage homeowners to apply before problems become severe.
- Approval of your pre-application will determine eligibility for placement on our waitlist.
Minor Repair Grant Program
The Grant Program provides rehabilitation grants to homeowners for emergency home repairs. Priority is given in order of repairs to address the following.
- Major code violations
- Minor code violations
- Appearance of deteriorating conditions
The program may also give priority to homeowners that are elderly, disabled, or living on fixed incomes.
Terms and conditions
- Up to $10,000 of assistance may be provided in the Grant Program.
- Certain improvements may be ineligible or beyond the scope of the Program
- Repairs generally include one or more of the following conditions: plumbing, electrical, roofing, and other emergency repairs as authorized by Housing staff.
- The repairs performed by contractors are covered by a one-year guarantee.
- Mobile, modular & manufactured homes are ineligible.