The mission of the Town of Eatonville Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is to aggressively pursue redevelopment and revitalization activities within the CRA District, with emphasis on providing more housing market rate and affordable, cultural arts opportunities, improving long-term transportation needs and encouraging retail development to include mixed use projects.
To create and sustain a viable community where citizens, stakeholders and visitors can live, work and play while enhancing the town’s tax base by eliminating slum and blighted areas, addressing affordable housing and stimulating the economic development activities while being a catalyst for public/private investment.
A Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is a dependent agency established by the City government to reduce slum and blight of a designated area within its city limits. CRAs are governed by State Statutes, Chapter 163, Part III.
Legislation Enacted
In 1969, Florida enacted legislation that enabled local governments to create community redevelopment districts and community redevelopment agencies to work in those districts. Most cities across the state of Florida have established CRA’s; Approximately 140 CRA’s operating in Florida at this time.
Eatonville CRA Created
In 1997 by adoption of Orange County Ordinance number 97-M-14, the Town of Eatonville created the Community Redevelopment Agency whose charge was to prepare a redevelopment plan, implement planned projects and obtain the necessary funding.
The Town of Eatonville Community Redevelopment Agency is funded through Tax Increment Financing (TIF).

Eatonville CRA Owned Properties
Property Address | Parcel ID | Link |
349 E KENNEDY BLVD | 292135000000052.00 | https://ocpaweb.ocpafl.org/ |
343 E KENNEDY BLVD | 292135000000053.00 | https://ocpaweb.ocpafl.org/ |
443 W KENNEDY BLVD | 292135457210010.00 | https://ocpaweb.ocpafl.org/ |
447 W KENNEDY BLVD | 292135457210030.00 | https://ocpaweb.ocpafl.org/ |
W KENNEDY BLVD | 292135457270760.00 | https://ocpaweb.ocpafl.org/ |